Applied Engineering services from 数字工程 can solve your complex engineering challenges, 促进效率和创新. Merging cutting-edge technology with deep industry expertise, we deliver unparalleled applied engineering solutions, driving innovation and operational excellence for our clients.



Applied Engineering involves using scientific principles and engineering techniques to solve practical problems and develop innovative solutions across different industries. At 数字工程,我们的服务集先进于一体 建模与仿真 with cutting-edge technology to deliver precise, 非常高效。, 可持续的解决方案, ensuring your projects meet both current and future demands.


Benefits of 应用工程服务 with 数字工程

  • 定制工程解决方案: Tailored specifically to meet unique project demands.
  • 先进技术集成: 利用最新的数字孪生技术, 数据科学,以及仿真.
  • 生命周期支持: 从最初的研究到退役.
  • 多学科的专业知识: 一个多元化的机械团队, 航空航天化学工程等.
  • 可持续的做法: Solutions designed to meet environmental and regulatory standards.



Understanding the complexity of modern engineering challenges, our service leverages a multi-disciplinary approach to develop innovative solutions. By integrating sophisticated simulations and data analytics, we ensure that our solutions are not only viable but also ahead of the curve, directly addressing the need for precision and advanced problem-solving capabilities.



In a rapidly evolving technological landscape, staying ahead means constant innovation. Our Applied Engineering service excels in scouting and applying emerging technologies catered to your specific objectives. This proactive approach helps maintain your competitive edge, transforming challenges into opportunities through innovative engineering solutions.




Engineering Director at 数字工程.



Technical Director at 数字工程.


服务 & 功能

Our comprehensive service offering spans various specialized fields, each tailored to enhance the performance and innovation of your projects:

  • 材料科学与工程: Focused on developing and testing materials to improve product durability and functionality.
  • 结构完整性和耐久性: Ensures the longevity and resilience of structures through rigorous testing and analysis.
  • 流体力学与空气动力学: Optimizes the performance and efficiency of products interacting with fluid environments, 包括空气和水.
  • 传热与热管理: Addresses the thermal issues to enhance system reliability and performance under varying operational conditions.
  • 数据科学与应用数学: Employs advanced mathematical models and data analysis techniques to solve complex problems and predict outcomes.
  • 化学与工艺工程: Designs and optimizes processes for manufacturing and production to enhance efficiency and safety.
  • 动力学、振动和声学: Analyzes and mitigates unwanted oscillations and noise, improving system stability and performance.
  • 电磁学: Applies electromagnetic theory to develop solutions for electronic and communication systems, 增强功能和范围.



Partner with 数字工程 to leverage expert knowledge and technological prowess dedicated to innovation and sustainability. Our comprehensive approach and commitment to your success set us apart, making us the preferred choice for advanced engineering solutions. As leaders in integrating diverse engineering disciplines, we offer tailored solutions that significantly enhance operational efficiency and effectiveness. Choose us for a partnership that prioritizes cutting-edge, sustainable outcomes.

了解更多 关于im体育APP or im体育APP的专家团队 今天来讨论你的项目.

What industries benefit most from 数字工程's 应用工程服务?

数字工程's services are ideal for 航空航天, 汽车, 能源, 化工制造, 以及政府部门, focusing on innovation and compliance in high-risk environments.

How do we ensure the sustainability of our engineering solutions?

We integrate sustainable practices across all project phases, aligning with environmental targets and enhancing long-term viability and regulatory compliance.

How does 数字工程's service help in enhancing operational efficiency? 

Our tailored engineering solutions streamline processes and reduce costs while boosting performance and reliability across all project phases.

Simulating Offshore Platform Data to Determine Trigger of Safety Release Valve

Learn how 数字工程 identified pin failure as the cause of triggering safety release valve and leading to offshore platform shutdown. 


The Danger of High-Altitude Ice Crystals to Jet Engine Reliability

Learn how we used a CFD model to ensure the reliable operation of a jet engine encountering ice growth causing blockages at high altitude.


我们的团队超过9人,在北美聘用了000名专家, 欧洲, 中东地区, 澳大利亚, 亚洲和非洲随时准备帮助你们.